Monday, August 22, 2011

Going Postal

I am having a problem. My mailman is incompetent. I'm serious here. They just can't seem to get anything right. We get our neighbors mail and who knows who gets ours. Now usually this really doesn't effect me aside from a magazine here and a lame college brochure there. But This is just too much.
I am part of a program at school that meets at odd times. It is just starting up again with the new school year so I have been waiting for an announcement about our first meeting. Now let me just be clear, this isn't some random little glee club, this is like a real program where we meet and learn lessons to teach our peers. So I am wait for this announcement for a few days when I hear my friends talking about how they are running late on turning in their form for the program this year. I was like, Ummm what in the world are you talking about? Well here's what seems to be the thing: Everyone in the program received by mail a letter abut returning to the program and a form to complete by the next meeting. well thanks to the superb postal service i have yet to acquire this document. And now its awkward b/c i don't know if it really got lost in the mail or if for some reason i purposely didn't get sent a letter.
Either way I blame the Post man. I am So giving his Christmas gift to the UPS man this year.

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